造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、This paper describes the hybrid-construction PCB were fabricated by the FR-4 laminate and high performance low-loss prepreg to achieve lower signal crosstalk and permit lower cost.(综述了采用低成本的常规FR-4层压板芯材和低介电常数高性能的半固化片形成的混合结构印制板,它具有较低的信号串扰和较低的成本。)
2、To obtain desired wave characteristics of composite laminate, the varying rate of eigenvalue with respect to the thickness change is approximated by the second order Taylor expansion.(采用一种特征值反求形式的方法用来近似层状复合板的波动特性修改。)
3、That main panel needed to look dimensional, so the laminate surface sheet was mounted to a pan-formed sign, made from a sheet of 4x 10white. 040 aluminum pre-painted sheet.(如果要使主面板看起来有立体感,就要把成形的字母安装在层压板表面,该层压板是由4英尺x10英尺的白色。040铝质薄板做成的。)
4、Parametric FEM technique is used to analyze the mechanical performance and structural reliability of composite laminate structures. The parametric FEM code based on ANSYS is given.(研究利用参数化有限元技术分析复合材料层合结构力学性能和结构可靠度的方法,并基于ANSYS软件平台开发相应的参数化有限元程序。)
5、Ask parents to put up bulletin boards, laminate learning activities, sort papers, and on and on.(要求家长收拾宣传栏,参加各个学习小组,把纸分类,等等。)
6、In the meantime, the number of freedom degrees doesn't increase with the number of layers in the laminate as it does in the conventional case.(同时由于单元的自由度数不随层数的增加而增加,避免了常规三维单元在分析复合材料层板时自由度数随层数的增加而增加的弊端。)
7、To help anxious clients, Dr. Llewellyn, of Marietta, Ga. , has them list on a card their strengths, such as a great fast ball, then laminate and carry it.(为帮助焦虑的客户,莱维利恩医生让他们把自己的长处写在一张卡片上,比如能投出很棒的快球等等,然后塑封好带在身边。)
8、The stochastic finite element method is used to analyze the composite structural reliability. Here the laminate structure is made of unidirectional fiber composites.(运用随机有限元法,对单向纤维复合材料组成的层合板结构进行了可靠性分析。)
9、Finally relevant examples are presented and the deformation and destroy characters of rocky slope with two sets joints are analyzed with multi-laminate framework model.(最后,给出了相应的算例,并运用该模型分析了含有两组节理的岩质边坡的变形及破坏特征。)
10、Is the stack height, maximum hit per drill bit, and feeds and speeds as a function of laminate type, board thickness, layer count and hole size controlled properly?(堆叠高度,每钻咀的最大钻次,进刀速度是否对板材类型,板厚,曾数,与孔尺寸进行管控?)
11、In this paper, biomechanical research achievements in porcelain laminate veneers design and operation were investigated and summarized in order to direct clinical work.(本文主要总结近年来国内外学者在瓷贴面设计及操作方面的生物力学研究成果,以期更好地指导临床工作。)
12、As a new strengthening building method, strengthening structures with high performance ferrocement laminate has advantages of low cost and convenience construction.(高性能水泥复合砂浆钢筋网薄层加固方法是一种新型的无机材料加固建筑结构方法。)
13、All these results will provide a reliable experiment basis for studying mechanical behaviors like failure mechanism and developing engineering application of bamboo laminate.(这些研究结果将为竹材层合板的破坏机理等力学行为的研究和工程应用开发提供实验依据。)
14、Hexagonal nitride boron is laminate structure ceramic materials. Solving the sintering densification problem is the main method to improve the ceramic performance.(六方氮化硼是一种片状结构材料,解决其烧结致密化问题是提高陶瓷性能的主要途径。)
15、it is shown that the thin ply laminate and collapsible lenticular tube meet the function requirements.(研究结果表明,超薄可折叠复合材料豆荚杆满足功能要求。)
16、This article introduces plane resistor material: LSC-050F type resistance foil clad laminate and its performance, make-up, production process and development background.(本文介绍了平面电阻器新型基材-LSC-050F电阻箔复合材料的性能要求、材料结构、制造工艺以及研制背景。)
17、This paper studies the transmission principle of magnetic wave through laminate and the effect of process factors on the transmission, the mechanism is also discussed.(本文阐述了单层平板的透波原理,对工艺中影响材料透波的一些因素进行了研究,并对其机理进行了探讨。)
18、The nanoparticle adhesives could also help replace the polyvinyl acetate, PVA, and polyvinyl alcohol, PVOH, used to help laminate graphics onto cardboard.(纳米粒子粘合剂而且还能够替代多乙酸乙烯酯、聚乙烯醇(PVA和PVOH)等,将图案碾压到纸板上。)
19、If the volatile vapor pressure in the curing laminate exceeds the actual pressure on the liquid resin prior to gelation, then void formation and growth will occur.(如果树脂凝胶前挥发物的蒸气压力超过树脂流体的压力,则会在层板中生成孔隙,而且孔会长大。)
20、This paper draws the conclusion that as long as the laminate area proportion reaches more than 27%, and laminate area is roughed quite well, the shear stiffness can be guaranteed.(结论只要叠合接触比例在27%以上,叠合接触面经有效粗糙处理和配筋,就能保证叠合接触面的抗剪刚度。)
21、The formulas of general force displacement electric fields for piezoelectric laminated shell were derived according to the laminate theory and piezoelectric constitutive equations.(并由复合材料板壳的广义内力公式和压电本构关系,导出压电层合壳的广义内力-位移-电场关系;)
22、This paper introduces a new copper foil adhesive for bakelite paper laminate. The adhesive raises the comparative tracking index (CTI), proof welding, peel strength of the laminate.(本文介绍了一种新的覆铜板铜箔胶粘剂,应用于酚醛纸板上,具有较高的耐漏电起痕性;)
23、In modern decoration, the laminate flooring because of its wide usage, easy care characteristics, as the most suitable pace of modern family life, the ground material.(在现代家装中,强化地板由于其使用范围广、易打理的特点,成为了最适合现代家庭生活节奏的地面材料。)
24、We would like to help however this product is taken by national customer and they will reject, apologies a matt laminate sleeve is required and needs to be attached properly.(我们非常想帮你们这个忙(让步接受这一批),但我们的内销客人不接受,他们要求彩卡必须上哑光油并且接口必须要粘合良好。)
25、A new glass cloth laminate was prepared by using benzoxazine as liquid cement, alkali-free glass cloth as backing material, and treating with cement dipping, baking and pressing.(并以苯并恶嗪预聚体为胶液、无碱玻璃布为基材,经浸胶、烘焙、压制制得一种玻璃布层压板。)
26、The XIR laminate glass can shield ultraviolet as high as 99.8%, prevent interior fading and protect human body and environment from harmful ultraviolet radiation.(XIR夹层玻璃可以阻挡高达99.8%的紫外线,完全减少室内饰物退色,阻隔紫外线对人体和物品的侵害。)
27、Various polyimide was synthesized from 3-BAPP with various dianhydrides. The application of the polyimiders to two-layer flexible copper clad laminate(2L-FCCL)was researched.(用3-BAPP与多种二酐合成出多种聚酰亚胺,并在二层法挠性覆铜板(2L-FCCL)的应用方面做了一些研究。)
28、The results showed that the effects of traverse shear on displacement and strees are not ignorable, as the length thick ratio of laminate is less than 30.(结果表明:四边铰支的正交异性层合板,当其长厚比小于30时,横向剪切变形对其位移和应力的影响是不容忽略的。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。