
System for introducing and storing of a model rail


专利名称:System for introducing and storing of a

model railway train

发明人:BERG, BERND申请号:EP93111057.1申请日:19930709公开号:EP0579139A1公开日:19940119


摘要:In order to provide an easy-to-operate reception and storage system for modelrailway trains, in which complete model railway trains can be removed by hand from amodel railway system (2) without it being necessary to take the trains off the rails, thereception and storage system has transition sections (4) which can be connected to railsections (1) of the model railway system (2), these transition sections in turn having railsections (3). A reception and storage tube (5) consisting of a transparent material can beinserted on a transition section (4) or between two contact transition sections (4) and isretained there. This tube has, in its base (6), on the one hand recesses (7) for receiving railsections (8) and on the other hand recesses (9) for the free running of a wheel flange (10)of the model railway train. The transition sections (4) have two hook pieces (11) of L-shape design on their side facing the tube (5), these being received with positive fitting by

recesses in the base (6) of the tube (5). Each transition section (4) has transmission pinsfor transmitting contact.


地址:HAMBERGSTRASSE 87; D-57074 SIEGEN,Rosa-Achenbach-Strasse 8 D-57076Siegen DE


代理机构:Pürckhauer, Rolf, Dipl.-Ing.

